Christian Leadership Program
Developing this ten-course program, The Vine Institute and Timothy Leadership Training Institute have utilized years of experience to bring you the best Certificate of Christian Leadership possible.
In addition to our materials, each participant is expected to regularly meet with a mentoring leader from their community of faith. Our program is designed to positively impact the participants own community!
While the Certificate of Christian Leadership does not claim any recognized vocational preparation, individual or groups of churches and organizations may choose to accept this training as fulfilling their requirements.
Courses incorporate inductive Bible Study with practical action plans and multicultural peer-to-peer learning groups.
Peer learning groups, or clusters, are composed of up to eight students and one group facilitator.
Our course materials have been used in over 50 countries and are available in 25 languages!
Course Path

Go to: Old Testament Survey
Course facilitators
Our facilitators of The Vine Institute:
- Promote a multicultural setting.
- Value learning from each other and ask students to show interest and care for each one.
- Value the student is a leader in the process of Spiritual growth.
- Value doing the lessons together not just giving the student the lessons to do on their own.

We Want To Make Leaders, Servants and Worshippers.
The Christian Leadership Program is designed to equip Christian leaders. Through weekly Action Plans we hope to impact the family, church, and community of each student.
At the end of each course, students are expected to complete a 4-6 Month Action Plan applying what they learn to their lives.
After completing the final course, Capstone, The Vine Institute celebrates with a graduation ceremony. Students are then awarded a certificate and legacy access to all our course materials!
Different Languages
Years Established
Get In Touch
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
call for appointment
(801) 581-1900
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2096
Salt Lake City, Utah 84110-2096
Refund Request
All refund requests must be submitted by the student in writing, in person, by regular mail, or by email. All refunds are made by check within 30-calendar days from the date of receipt of such request. The student may pick up the check in person or request the delivery of the check by mail, in which case the applicable mailing fee will apply.
The refund check will be made payable to the entity or to the person from which the funds originated. If a student is applying through an educational counselor/church, the refund will be made payable to the church, unless the Vine Institute is instructed by the student’s agency to pay the student directly.
Basis for Refund
The tuition refund is solely based on the money received by the school after all registration fees owed to the school are deducted. Any money not paid, discounts or promotions, will be void and will not apply upon withdrawal. The tuition charge will be based on the standard (full charge) published price.
Student’s Right to Cancel
The student has the right to cancel the enrollment agreement in a course and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance at the first class session, or the third class after enrollment, whichever is later. If the student cancels by the first class session, there is a full refund.
For courses withdrawn after the period allowed for cancellation, the tuition refund will be prorated on a weekly basis. There is no refund if withdrawn after 3 weeks.
Unclaimed Balance
The school has the right to any unclaimed balance beyond 180 days from the last date of student’s attendance or the scheduled start date if the student had never attended the school.
Caring for God’s People | 13 lessons
“Visitation is the foundation of effective ministry,” someone said. God repeatedly initiated visits to His creation and His people, most especially in the person of Jesus, in order to accomplish His plan of redemption.
We leaders hear His call to join Him in this ministry of caring. In this course you will learn to visit and listen, to offer comfort and guidance, inviting reconciliation and being present in crises.
Christian Stewardship | 8 lessons
“About 500 verses in the Bible talk about prayer. About 500 verses talk about faith. Over 2000 verses talk about our material possessions.” Do you think God wants us to be generous stewards (managers) in caring for His creation?
In this course, you will learn to care and share in the use of God’s good gifts (time, talent, terrain, treasure and much more), to plan and report, including budgeting and being accountable.
From Harm to Harmony in the Family | 7 lessons
Become more aware of the reality of destructive family and community behaviors and explore ways to transform the attitudes, words, and actions that may cause harm.
Level Two
Old Testament Survey | 13 lessons
Learn how the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings look and lead to fulfillment in Christ.
New Testament Survey | 13 lessons
Learn how Jesus is the King of God’s kingdom, including all creation, who will bring all things into the fulfillment of all they were meant to be.
Biblical Preaching | 9 lessons
Preaching is like sowing seed. Though we do not see the results immediately, when preaching focuses on God’s Word it will not return empty.
Learn how to choose and preach a biblical text, how to identify and proclaim the good news of the text, how to organize and illustrate the text. Explore your “handling of the Word of God” and develop skills to engage in faithfully understanding and effectively communicating the message of each text of the Bible.
Level Three
Dynamics of Cross-Cultural Ministry | 10 lessons
Learn how to discern the unique values and structure of the host culture at the heart of the
Intermountain West and how the Body of Christ may love its neighbors.
Teaching the Christian Faith | 9 lessons
As in biblical preaching, communicating God’s Word through effective teaching produces learners who are transformed in knowledge, attitudes, and actions.
This course will teach you to design lesson plans that teach for results, using age-appropriate activities to communicate the message of the biblical text.
Praising God in Work and Worship | 10 lessons
Discover how God calls his people to give glory and praise to Him in all we do every day of the week and develop your ability to bring renewal to public worship.
Master Level
Capstone Project | 9 lessons
Plan and implement in the community of faith a six-month project involving all aspects of the leadership skills learned previously.